To support ex-prisoners in leading crime-free lives and so effect a reduction in re-offending and the building of safer communities across Warwickshire and Coventry.
Our journey
The vision for a rehabilitation charity came from the Chaplaincy at HM Glen Parva Young Offenders Institute and is modelled on a pioneering chaplaincy set up in Canada. The Chaplaincy staff saw young men with whom they had developed a rapport and given support leaving the establishment with nothing for them on the outside.
As one early client said-
“You get chucked out of prison with £46 and that’s just the start of it. Futures Unlocked helped me get through those first few weeks with financial support to get basic things that the £46 did not cover. Without this I know that I would have earned it the only way I knew how.”
In 2006 Futures Unlocked established in Leicester and was later taken up by the Chaplaincy in HM Onley prison and settled in Warwickshire. In the last few years (since 2018), through funding provided by National Probation Service, we have begun to work in Coventry and Solihull.
We are also funded by Police and Crime Commissioner, Lloyds Bank Foundation, Allen Lane, IOM and Rugby Community Safety Partnership.
1039 clients and approaching 1100 cases
120 trained mentors
Support from many agencies, companies, churches and individuals.
A re-offending rate over 30% lower than the national average.
A saving, on the last available calculation, for one year of over £250000 on the social cost of crime across our area.